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About Me

I have a Bed(Hons) degree in primary education from Kingston University and have taught in a variety of state and private schools across London, covering both single-sexed and mixed school environments.

 I took a break from teaching in schools when my children were born although carried on teaching English privately in the run up to year six SAT tests. It was through doing this work that I became aware of the effect stress and anxiety can have on the mind as well as the body and how this can affect learning. Through giving them coping strategies the children became aware of how their mind can be used to HELP themselves rather than HINDER - in turn having an affect on their learning and their behaviour. This led the way to an interest in the link between mind and body - specifically in relation to children.

I have completed a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) which then enabled me to apply for the Mindfulness in Schools Project programme (MiSP).


Mindfulness Experience Within the Family:


I have worked with numerous families across Hertfordshire over the past eight years. Many come to my home but I also travel to theirs. The initial consultation involves working out where the issues lie to enable me to tailor-make a specific mini programme running on average for around four sessions.

I also work with many children and adults on a 1:1 level, building up a toolkit of techniques for them to use whether they’re at home or in school or work, again offering around four sessions depending on individual needs.

Feedback from clients:

“It has helped me get over tough times and to stay calm and control my choices.” (child aged 14)

“It has helped me at home. I have lots of meltdowns and mindfulness calms me down. My brother was shouting at me. I was about to shout back when I stopped and did finger breathing behind my back. Then I walked away.” (child aged 9)

“I have learnt a range of techniques which enable me to respond to situations at home rather than react.” (parent)

"You haven't just helped my son get through his GCSEs, you've helped the whole family get through them."


Mindfulness Experience In Schools:

I am trained in delivering the .b curriculum to children aged 11-16 (nine sessions) as well as the paws .b curriculum for children aged 7-11 (six sessions). During the past eight years I have run the programme in eight schools within Hertfordshire as well as delivering one day workshops to sixth formers and staff in other schools. I have also presented the programme at Headteachers conferences as well as to parents within school communities.

Feedback from students:

“I feel more grounded no matter what the situation. I feel as if I can do anything.” (student aged 16)

“Tests are very stressful. It’s like anger management but better.” (student aged 10)

“Most of my friends are stressed at school. I’ve learnt that mindfulness can help me stay calm and not retaliate.” (student aged 17)


Mindfulness Experience In the Workplace:


I have worked with celebrities in the music and fashion world as well as in the corporate sector delivering a range of packages across Hertfordshire and London. These have ranged from one day workshops within the leisure industry to six week programmes to staff in the IT sector as well as within retail. This also led to 1:1 clients asking for more specific skills relating to problems they faced in the workplace.

Feedback from corporate clients:

“I feel happier going to work now that I have a set of skills to draw upon as and when needed.”

“My stomach would lurch every time I walked into the office. Now I’m able to tune into these feelings and can take control.”

“I used to bring my family problems into work and I took my work worries home. Now that I have learnt how to focus on just this moment I can apply myself better both at home and at work. Mindfulness has brought me clarity.”

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